Maintenance Agreement

We will make visual inspection of products such as:

We will note rusted areas, broken plastics, excessive wear, and safety test on each piece. All power cords will be inspected. We will communicate with management or persons needing to be aware of possible safety issues & preventing downtime of a unit.

We will place a log book at the location so that members or questions pertaining to a unit can be tested during each maintenance visit.

We will inspect and test general operations, display, +, - Speeds, up & down elevations, keypads, resistance, and walking and  running performance of products.

Minor Inspection all hardware on multi-Gyms, & weight pieces.

( We will apply lubricates to rods, greases, & inspect cables-pulleys ). Tighten all hardware when needed and secure loose pieces. Confirm easy guides and roller operations of workout. Be very detailed with safety on all pieces such as frayed cables or loose, worn-out frames and/or unsafe usage. Document and show manager or supervisor.

Quarterly Cardio Lubrications as needed :

( We will listen and check chains, bearings, mechanical moving parts, and adjustments).
The treadmill will have to confirm current loads on treadmills at 3mph and 5 mph with an amp meter to determine it’s usage. Apply wax if needed at no additional cost. All pieces will be checked when we visit. We will generate a list of pieces needing attention so that repairs or warranty repairs can be performed or estimated. We will communicate with the manufacturers to research warranty coverage and part cost when needed. We are authorized to perform services on most Fitness products. If a Fitness product carries a warranty on parts or labor that we do not have the authorization to perform work on, we will provide the information needed.

Self Maintenance

With our experience in the fitness industry, we train and offer you services on how to repair, do preventive maintenance and go over general operations of your products, which can save you downtime and money. A personal consultation is also provided. Save money, fix it yourself.

Service Agreement

Maintenance Agreement